As we enter the school year, students all over the country are getting ready to get back in the game. Sports are a great way to move, but they often require a sports physical to participate. However, …
Have you been searching for a practice management consultant? It is no secret that running a medical practice can be challenging. However, with all the changes in healthcare, managing a medical …
Medical claims processing requires a strong method of communication between a physician and a medical coder. To do so, both parties must exhibit mutual respect for each other’s skills and …
If your practice sees patients over the age of 65 on a regular basis then there’s no doubt that you and the rest of the practice’s staff need to be familiar with Medicare so that the claims you …
Is your medical billing causing you a headache? Looking for ways to streamline the process? Here are 7 essential medical billing tips that you need to know about… 1. Start At The Beginning! Our …
As a medical provider, you understand the struggle that comes with collecting timely payments on outstanding patient bills. If you’re looking to improve your billing and collection process, …