- Code P29.3 or persistent fetal circulation is expanded to include fourth characters to allow the specification of persistent pulmonary hypertension of a newborn,P29.30 or other persistent fetal circulation such as delayed closure of the ductus arteriosus, P29.38.
- R39.83 and R39.84 were added to report non-palpable testis.
- R06.03 will now be used to report acute respiratory distress.
- P83.81 was created to report umbilical granuloma while P83.88 will report bronze baby syndrome, urticaria neonatorum, and other conditions.
- More than 50 additions and revisions were made related to the codes for low vision and blindness.
- There were over 20 additions and revisions related to degenerative myopia.
- Two new codes were added to specify type 2 diabetes with ketoacidosis with coma and without coma.
- Six new codes for pulmonary hypertension were added.
- Specialty codes for advanced heart failure and transplant cardiology, medical toxicology, and hematorpoietic cell transplantation and cellular therapy were made.
- New CAT 1 codes replace the total heart system CAT III codes 0051T-0053T.
- Additional codes have been added to the tubal and ovarian pregnancy codes in order to specify laterality.
- New codes have been created to describe abnormalities of the fetal heart rate or rhythm.
- Codes for antenatal screening have been expanded in order to include particular reasons for screening exams.